Saturday, November 10, 2007

All About Credit Cards

I only get to enjoy credit card installment facilities here, I havent tried buying items on installment back in Manila. Credit card can be nightmares in SG (let me recall those events below) but I would say it's a nice-to-have, close to must-have, from emergency use to impulsive purchases :)

Credit Card Misadventures

1) I applied for Citibank, got denied the first time (imagine! first time in my life haha). SG is strict with credit card issuance, in short if you are a foreigner holding an employment pass and you dont have an annual income of so-and-so, you wont be granted one. But anyway, IT is a good-paying job, so should be on the safe side. The banks conduct serious basic investigation to verify your details. My problem was they called the HR of my company and couldnt locate me there. Of course! I'm based in client office. After some clarification, finally I got the cards. Your COE (cert of employment) speaks a lot, because normally, your credit limit will be twice of your monthly salary.

2) I was excited to buy a laptop last June. Almost ALL of those I know who bought their laptops in SG, they do it the installment way, like a 6 or 12-month at 0% interest, you dont have to cash out so much if u plan to stay anyway. I was skipping the 2% increase in GST then (5% rose to 7% on July1). Everything was set, the model I fancied, the freebies, but then the manager of the store in Funan said they dont have installment facility for Citibank that time (because something gut busted etc). Imagine they have for all other credit cards, only none for Citibank that time. So right then and there, I was forced to swipe it at a one-time payment. Ouch!

3) Because I didnt find the Citibank 'powerful' enough due to my laptop incident, just last month I decided to apply for another credit card. I applied for Diners, known for being less strict. Guess what, I was denied AGAIN! This time, it's because my employment pass has only 6 months left before expiry. Companies usually issue employment pass for 1year, what can I do? Well, only have to wait till my employment pass gets renewed next March. Grrgh

4) The most recent disappointment that I had. Finally my wish is granted. Jay Chow is going to have a concert here on January! However they have this promo, only OCBC credit card holders can book for the first 2 weeks! D*mn it! I went to the ticketing booth, they told me that only a few seats are left and there are no consecutive empty seats anymore. Kulang na lng sabihin ko, 'please sell the tickets to me, I desperately want to have them' No use even if I have all the cash in the world! I have to wait for the stupid promo to end.

So that's it.

... On a positive note

I'm glad to say that I just finished my last payment for the installment of the TV. Yey almost debt-free. Thinking of the next thing to buy... hmm IT show is again approaching.. waah jk :p

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