Saturday, June 29, 2013


This week is full of goodbyes.

My aussie boss has left today. I hosted 2 dispidida parties for him, it's really kinda saddening to see a great person leaves. It's been a long time I had a manager who I actually look up to.

I had 3 friends who visited Manila this week and I sort of felt like yesterday. Feels like yesterday when I was still in college, that was already 10 years ago. Feels like yesterday when I was in SG, and I've been back for 1.5years now.

I've been very sleepy every morning. It feels like literally dragging me from my bed to wake up each morning. After being half-awake and half-asleep, sleepwalking to office, it was so difficult to keep my eyes open. Once I reach office, I will typically go inside a small empty meeting room, and take a 15min powernap, while sitting on a chair. This gives me the sort of morning sunlight energy for the rest of the day.

Then I think back, is my life really such a bore? Or am I just being too unnecessarily analytical here :)

Goodbye bad thoughts, goodbye negative vibes.  - hope these are the last things I need to say goodbye to! :)

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