Monday, March 5, 2007


I've been VERY busy the past few days packing up my things (we're moving soon to a new place). Actually got bruised :(, accidentally got scratched and fallen over by some wood fragments. Pity me, I'm the biggest in size among the siblings so I am expected to be the kargador for all seasons hehe.
I've been reminiscing a lot when I got to see some school stuff in the packed boxes. Notebooks, test papers (my goodness i still keep some of them), IDs, school papers, projects, and even cards, pictures, letters.. it's really a huge chunk!

I think I will be posting a lot of those crappy stuff soon hehe. (things I cant remember I have written or I never imagine I would have kept)

Here's a picture for a starter. Taken 2 years back, still with the braces on and the curly hair (cant see it clearly though because the scanner is bad!)

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