Looking for Mitch
I didnt know Mitch Albom released a new book 'For One More Day' by 07, I saw his book in a book store at the airport. I seldom, seldom, seldom read books and I really find his earlier two books 'Tuesdays with Morrie' and 'The Five People You Meet in Heaven' to be insightful, and even made me cry I think. It makes me wonder what he has personally went through to describe life's stories in such vivid details. I have this feeling that people who 'have stories' are by themselves different, without effort they seem to stand out from crowds who have lived sheltered and pampered lives. However I still didnt buy the book, I dont want to develop a new addiction lol. Other than cookbooks and text books, all the other books that I have read are mostly lent by some friends. So I hope someone lends me (not really 'give' me coz I dont drop garapal hints to get a gift haha!) this one again hehe.
From Back Home
I had a relaxing vacation again back home. It was too short that I didnt notice it ended. I dont know if it's a good thing to go home so often breaking the momentum that I have, as it usually leaves me more questions than answers... Anyway something new: first-timer - tickling foot spa at Manila Ocean Park. And tasting handwash (dont ask me why, I know I wasnt drunk at all!)
Adios B-I-A-T-C-H
I havent been annoyed in such a long, long time. Just when I thought my previous blog entry dedicated to her is the final encounter, I'm so surprised to get a ym message from her last week. May 12, I remembered exactly, I was having OT in office at 9pm and got a ym message from her. After the pa-cutesy small talk, she asked me whether I have already thrown my garbage as the box she threw away from a gadget has a serial number which she is looking for. *#$&%* Whoever in a right mind would think of asking whether trash from exactly 14 days ago would still be in your house? I threw everything that same night because of the bulging garbage can she had stuffed so full, with a sanitary napkin laying on top of it. YUUCUCCK spare me. You really really got me. Permanently offline! I really hope our paths wont cross again in the future. Final chapter. In movies terminology, no sequel, pre-quel, or spin-off!
Luxury is Sleep and Eat
Thanks to the instructor who smsed me that it was holiday (Vesak day). My yoga class was cancelled. I woke up past 1130am on 2 consecutive days (Sat and Sun after my vacation). That is sheer luxury. I've been craving for porridge for the past few weeks after seeing an ad for porridge buffet. I'm not really a fan of porridge, however the feeling is horrible when you crave so much on something and you dont get it. :( No one wants to have porridge hmpff. I made up for it this week, next topic for my blog. *burps*
New Golden Rule
I got some serious talk with my sister over ym. She's pissed on some recurring matters that are bugging her for quite some time. Things which I consider could have been better addressed by some other means, if I were in her shoe. I blurted this to her 'hey if you cant change the situation, change your attitude'. And she was quite mesmerized and complimented since when I have become so matured :p. I just realize how fancy and brilliant my advices can be at times :p. Easier said than done, but yeah sometimes even if you try to be positive, to be hopeful like a fool wishing for the stars, somehow somewhere things just dont go your way. Could be not the right time. Could be you dont understand. Could be you have to let go. Could be you dont see the full picture. Could also be you just have to have a little patience and wait . Anyway I also dont have a clue hehe. But at least, I am impressed and a bit inspired by that quote. :D
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