Saturday, August 23, 2008

Clueless and Puzzled Creature

It's really funny whenever I remember the 'amazing gift' na pinasuyo sa akin to bring back home last July. It was from a guy in SG who is courting my friend in Manila. Pardon me but up to this point, I still cant figure out the logic behind. :p Anyway it's my first time to be a bridge, let's just wait and see if this one's a happy ending.

Profile of the girl: She used to be my bestfriend and suddenly we lost touch after high school. Earlier this year, she greeted me in friendster saying she was surprised that I have changed a lot based from my pictures. And that started our frequent chatting. She's a simple girl who studied in CEU and currently works in a bank. I know she really wanted to have a bf but seems like she hasnt found one that's fit for her as she related. Dinalaw ko cya last July and I was glad that our closeness is still there despite the time and distance factors.

So anyway I got to know this guy from her. Seriously, bilib din ako sa tiyaga because this guy was literally sending sms to her everyday, calling her, online chats and lasted for already 4+ months. Whew for a guy to pursue someover overseas and engaging in posible long distance relationships, it must be real diligence and I respect him for that matter. We got to chit chat sometimes over ym. He was asking me for ideas what gifts to give. I told him looking at her friendster page, it was quite obvious as it was clearly stated that she likes accesories, 'anything kikay' I said. Then he told me he was planning to buy Body Shop products. My goodness, I dont know what he is thinking, there are so many Body Shop outlets in Manila, why bother, and I dont want to bring liters of lotions in my luggage! I said think of something unique that is only available in SG. I even gave him clues, if you find it difficult to buy accesories for women, well maybe just buy small bags, or perhaps kikay blouses.

'Pano kung hindi magustuhan' he said.
'Hindi yan.. or kung gusto mo buy one each of what I mentioned, khit sa tiangge lng, hndi naman kelangan mamahalin lahat. Cguro may magugustuhan naman cya khit isa lng dun'
'Naku bka magulat yon, sabihin bkit ang galante naman nito, hindi ko pa naman sinasagot'
I was like ha? Deep inside I was thinking what harm is there na magulat???
Then he continued,
'Hindi pa rin eh, hndi naman sa mayabang ako, what if naging kami, tpos mag-expect na lagi big-time ako magregalo. Mahirap yun ganon'

I was dumbfounded. What ??###!!@#. Here again is one guy who is worrying about what chicken dish to cook before the eggs are even hatched. And I dont see the logic behind giving gifts and being pressured what gifts to buy the next time to supercede the previous delight level. Isnt it giving gifts is a voluntary act? I give people gifts because I want to and probably because I care, not because I am forced to. Maybe it's a good trait that a guy has a clear grasp of future planning, however it's also because of this too much thinking left and right that stops them from progressing? That's it. He could have my vote, but he just blew it all away hehe. Anyway I dont intend to share this part with my friend, I dont want to be a factor para mabasted itong guy, because as a 3rd party, I can still see some goodness in this guy.

Anyway, when we met up, he has this nice silver box with a nice silver ribbon and placed in a dainty violet tiny bag. It looks perfect to me. I started teasing him 'hey teka ano ba laman nito. Naprepressure ako, bka pag nawala ko, hndi ko toh kayang bayaran'. (I was thinking it might be some watch? or maybe some accesory or jewelry, that was the impression actually of the size of the box and packaging). He just kept on smiling and saying secret secret. Later I was already serious, ano ba talaga laman, of course I dont want to bring any liquid or anything that might prohibit me from entering the plane right, at least give me a general idea. Deep inside I have the feeling somehow I have the right to know kasi pina-hassle mo na nga ako magdala. I asked once, twice, thrice, ayaw pa rin sagutin, tawa lng cya nang tawa. FINE. It's hard to talking to you. I gave up. :p

When I met up with my friend in Manila, of course she was really surprised that I brought her a gift from this guy back in SG. Girl talk chismisan, I simply told her 'hey buksan mo naman, I want to know what is it'. Medyo kilig pa cya when opening. So what was the big fuss all about. My goodness, it was several small pieces of puzzle packed in a tranparent plastic bag. The suspense didnt reach the climax part and drop down dead in a nano second..! I can't explain what my friend's expression was, and I had to be very careful to mind mine coz I dont want to upset her by laughing hard. Then I asked her, mahilig ka ba sa puzzle? Hindi. Cya mahilig ba? Hindi rin. Then I became speechless, I dont know what to say. Cge buuin mo na sa bahay. :p Then I changed the topic. The next day the girl called and told me she asked her kuya to form the puzzle which has something written like 'you're special to me'. The intent of the guy was that she extracts the message to the last piece. Poor thing, it didn't serve the purpose then.

Okay the intent was probably unique and has some substance in it. But then again, it's barking at the wrong tree. Hayy it's complicated! :p

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