Saturday, August 23, 2008

Madly Crazy, Crazily Mad

Call it crazy, call it mad. I watched three concerts on 3 consecutive weekends after I got back from Manila vacation. I paid for two and the other one was free because the intended person does not know the band. Post-concert syndrome: I've been in LSS mood for quite some time, too many tunes playing in my head.

And what's the cure of addiction - another addiction. I heard from my friend that she went to KTV alone one afternoon and sang her heart out. I was very surprised and laughing hard, wow 'pwede pala yon'. So I just did the same. Went to Kbox one Saturday and sang for 3 straight hours by myself. And yet, bitin pa rin! One good thing about Singaporeans, they dont stare at you for your crazy deeds. Everyone minds his own business. My cup of tea, this is a free country! :)

Moral lesson: Do as your heart fancies!

P.S. To bad I have sore throat, I would love to pay another visit soon.

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