Saturday, August 23, 2008

Loser Moment and Most Memorable Flight

I would never forget this day, July 12 08. My supposed flight back to Philippines was from Jetstar, a promo fare which I booked back in February. Initial flight sched is 7:50am. After a few weeks, Jetstar sent a notice that it has been changed to 6:30am. Probably had I known it earlier, I wouldnt have booked the flight.

Starting end of May till July, I was working one day every weekend. D*mn, I was so tired, the project was in tough times and cutover had been delayed for several times. The people in the project didnt like the idea that I was leaving for vacation, 'bad timing' my manager said.

Add to it that I did stick to my crazy decision to attend classes every Fridays and Saturdays and finishing the marketing projects. I wasnt supposed to take the exam because I didnt enroll the whole course, but I opted to and filed a request to take it because I'd be interested to know how I measure. So there goes more pressure to review my notes.

Few weeks before the flight, I accidentally deleted all the calendar reminders in my SG fon (probably hit some wrong buttons while turning off my morning alarms). I was too anxious to retrieve my reminders and birthday alerts, I thought of opening my Ph fone to make a copy. As I was in a hurry, my PH fon got locked due to incorrect keying of pin code. I don't even know how to contact my sundo in NAIA. I dont have an updated back-up of my PH sim. I cant remember exactly where I placed the PUK code

The issues with the changing tenants of the house surfaced too when the annoying family decided to leave. I should be happy because my nightmares are coming to an end, an answered prayer indeed. However things were not as smooth as expected initially, a hausmate wanted to bring an additional tenant after the headcount was already finalized, in which I didnt like because I am sick and tired of too much noise from too many people living in the same house and too many people using the shared bathroom. Because of too much thinking on the matter how to talk to her to drop that option, I got myself some serious oil burns while cooking, some even bubbled and left marks on my hand, my mom is worried that whenever she calls me now, she'd ask if the marks have disappeared :( Aside from those, I had to literally nag the replacing tenants for employment passes, the agent was nagging me for additional agent's fee, the house owner sounded like I owe him a big favor for not changing the contract despite the tenant change. Hell, this was really too much. Nobody has any idea how STRESSED I was and people might think I was worrying too much. Really bad timing, when it rains, it does pour. Well, a lot of those things are avoidable if I choose the easy way out, and my life would be much simpler. BURNOUT.

Going back, July 12 morning I had my alarm set at 4am. The same morning I finished packing my things at 2am. I was so tired that I dozed off again and hoping to wake up after another 10 minutes. The next time I opened my eyes, it was already 515am. Big sh*t, I was hurrying like hell, taking a bath, booking a cab. I arrived airport probably around 5:55am, still hoping that I'd be okay. Jetstar was firm, they do shut the check-in gate 50minutes before take-off time. My voice was shaking as with my whole body, no matter how I pleaded to consider taking me in since the flight hasnt taken off yet, it's of no avail. I'm dead, shoot me. I felt like crying. It took some time before the idea sank in to me. Yes I have to MOVE ON, and find the next available flight. I cannot afford to delay another day because my Davao flight was scheduled the next day July 13. If I don't get myself home the same day, I'd be suffering more losses.

I was in panic, making phone calls at 630am. I called my family back home to cancel my sundo, they were worried because they know I'm not the kind of person who would be missing out essential things like catching a flight. I already got the rates from SQ and PAL from airport booth, booking a same day flight at the airport is the craziest rate you'll ever have for an SG-MLA trip. I called several friends to help me checked the online rates but only two picked up and they told me online booking for the same day is no longer available after checking the websites. I dont have any choice, I booked PAL for the same day flight. That one-way SG-MLA trip was even more expensive than my December round-trip fare (holiday season rates are already at least twice of regular). Had I woke up 30minutes earlier, I wont be in such big mess and credit card damages.

I managed to arrive Manila the same day, the rest of the days were well-spent, no qualms. Just that I dont feel like talking about this stupid thing to anyone because I think I'd be getting more laughs than emphaty :p. I just wanna forget the bad things. I then remembered my good friend who used to have a suitor overseas who wakes her up every morning (probably via skype). For that matter, yeah I suddenly felt a surge of envy.

Anyway, some things you just have to learn the hard way. Wee hours of the morning flights? Hmm forget it, unless I have reliable wake up calls.

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