Monday, September 15, 2008

The Biggest Drama (Part 2)

Just when I thought I had enough...

Last Jan when I went back to SG and vomited all over the lavatory of the the plane, I thought that was already the worst thing that could ever happen to me, or to any OFW for that matter.

I was wrong then.

Sept08, I purposedly went home to attend my nephew's first bday and Christening. After the party, I got another invite for a bday party of my friend's bf. From New Manila (kiddie party venue), it took like 1hrs+ drive to reach Megamall that Sunday. The weather's hot and I dont know why it seems like I got dizzy from the heavy traffic jam and bumpy roads (which I am supposed to be used to as I spent 25years of my life in such!). Food intake wise, probably it was not a good move to have two buffet meals on a hot day (which I am supposed to be used to again before!). After the 2nd party, again some more 2hrs+ traffic jam on the way home, aggravated by banggaan somewhere in recto. I dont know, it's just that all the elements were not working well.

I reached home so tired and decided to take a nap. I did feel better after the nap and even watched some TV series that night before going to sleep.

1am I was awakened by chills. I was starting to shiver. I had fever at 39deg. The druggie in me went to the kitchen and gulped Biogesic and again continued my sleep. Monday morning I woke up and started having LBM. Fever was still there. I was literally almost sleeping the whole day, if not for my mom waking me up to take medicine. She accompanied me to see a doctor. I got one shot to speed up fever recovery. I told the doctor I have a flight the next day. He said he would suggest 'idextrose' na lng because that it is the fastest. I chickened out, I haven't been confined in a hospital, not even had dextrose drip. The closest that I got was to donate blood, and it was a morbid experience. I am not really used to these needle thingie. Then the doctor said okay I still have a one day, worse comes to worst, I should just rush there Tues Morning for dextrose before my supposed Tues evening flight.

I went home hoping the medicine would be enough to keep me going. My mom was asking me to book another flight and said it's on her. (Deep inside ayoko na... how many times do I have to miss a flight whether intentional or unintentional.. it's just so lousy if I keep on missing flights!) And it's also so hassle to file for leaves again. And my sister and bro-in-law were taking the same week's Wed flight to go to SG. I prefer to go ahead of them to clean my room. Whooah I dont like messing all the plans, but my health was not cooperating. :(

Come Tuesday, I still got non-stop LBM whenever I attempted food intake, my fever did disappear though with the shot. Okay that's it I cant drag it any longer. My mom took me back to the doctor to take whatever dextrose+liquid medicine that I need to be infused. It was quite scary to see the doctor pinching the needlehead into my hand (the back of my palm). It wasnt painful though and I did not see any blood dripping out (I initially thought it will be slightly bloodly). I remembered there were two bottles and it took 2hours to finish the whole thing.

Everything was smooth afterwards. I managed to survive. LBM subsided the next day.

The only good that this has brought me - I probably shed off some weight. Back in Mla, a lot of ppl were saying I became fat. Blame it on the pigging out in Davao. And now the 'detoxification' has eased up the burning process to some extent hehe. Other than that, this was really a grrrh experience. Someone asked me a question whether gusto ko pa ba umuwi... the answer is still YES! haha.

P.S. Somehow the whole thing got me thinking. Have I been away for too long that my body started resisting the negative forces/inconveniences (exag ha, I beg to disagree!!!!). I'm afraid of being sick and far away, alone. Baka matuluyan ako nito.. Does anyone really care if something bad happens to me.. whether I go back for good or not.. hehe see how twisted and dramatic pag may sakit. Anyway, health is wealth. Without health, everything is useless.

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